Friday, July 11, 2008


I can't recall exactly when my last period started, around the 6th of June I'm guessing. It was painful and heavy on the 8th of June, so it makes sense to me that it had started two days beforehand.

Then on CD26 & 27 I got positive OPK's, so had intercourse in the hope that we might be lucky to conceive.

On CD32 or roughly 6DPO I found some dark red spotting which at first I thought was my period starting. I continued to have light spotting for two more days then it stopped.

Today is approx CD37, 10 or 11DPO and I have no idea what's happening, no cramps, no soreness anywhere in my body, and a negative pregnancy test to finish it off just nicely :-( But the positive is that my temperature is up around 37.1 so I'm considering that a good thing.

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